June 15, 2023
Hello, Cozy Reader! There’s still time to enter A Cozy Mystery Beach Giveaway and win a cozy mystery prize pack: https://aconitecafe.com/acozymysterybeachgiveaway/ How has your June gone so far? This month has been a busy one, and it’s only half over! Taking a family road trip, upgrading my ham radio license, and starting my summer teaching have […]
June 1, 2023
Hi, Cozy Readers! It’s June, and that means it’s beach reads season! What are your favorite cozy beach reads? In the spirit of the summer season, I’ve got my iced tea, a good book, and a giveaway to link to share! Enter A Cozy Mystery Beach Giveaway, and you can win a cozy mystery prize […]
May 15, 2023
Hello, Cozy Readers! I’m currently working on a novella in a new series, Butterfield’s Boutique and Computer Repair, in which two cousins carry on their grandmother’s jewelry shop, fix electronics, and, of course, solve mysteries. The daughter of one of the cousins adores horses. And that love of horses is central to the overall arc […]
May 1, 2023
Hello, Cozy Readers! May is here, and gardening is in full swing at my house. Around here, gardening runs in the family. Earlier this year, my kids and I planted some sunflowers that my parents started for us. I’m delighted to report that the sunflowers (which are my absolute favorite!) are doing well. We also […]
April 15, 2023
(This is a copy of my newsletter from April 15, 2023. If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!) Hi, Cozy Readers. Just in time for tea on Saturday, 4/15, I’ll be part of the Cozy Mystery Party Spring Has Sprung Author Takeover Event! There will be several authors […]
April 1, 2023
(This is a copy of my newsletter from April 1, 2023. If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!) Dear Cozy Readers, It’s April, one of my favorite months! Seeds are sprouting in my garden, the weather is warming up nicely, and it’s National Poetry Month here in the […]
March 15, 2023
(This is a copy of my newsletter from March 15, 2023. If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!) Hi, Cozy Readers! One of the great things about cozy mysteries is that there’s a mystery for just about every interest. From animal lovers to history buffs, foodies to treasure […]
March 1, 2023
(This is a copy of my newsletter from March 1, 2023. If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!) Hi! Who else is >exceedingly< glad March is here? I know, I know, it’s still technically winter (in the northern hemisphere anyway), but the trees are budding out here in […]
February 15, 2023
(This is a copy of my newsletter from February 15, 2023. If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!) Hi, Cozy Readers! Earlier this week, I celebrated a day that is very significant for me. (No, not that one!) February 13th is World Radio Day. As a radio geek, […]
February 1, 2023
(This is a copy of my newsletter from February 1, 2023. If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!) Hi, Cozy Readers! Greetings from chilly Dallas! Since this is my first newsletter, I’d like to introduce myself (and I’d enjoy hearing more about you as well). So, hi, I’m […]